When it comes to your fitness, we know you have a lot of options. And with all the conflicting information floating around these days, it can be overwhelming to decide which way to go.


Get In The Best Shape Of Your Entire Life.

Joining The Rodsquad® Virtual Membership means learning how to reach your ideal body composition (more muscle, less body fat) and easily maintaining your results for life. This VIRTUAL membership will take you step-by-step from wherever you are right now to looking and feeling phenomenal... the STRONGEST and fittest you have been in years, or maybe better than ever.

Here are the cold, hard facts every woman needs to know. ⬇

  • All women lose muscle with age. This begins at age 25 and is accelerated by crash dieting, certain medications, and intense, cardio-focused exercise.
  • Reduced muscle mass leads to a slower metabolism, stubborn body fat, reduced strength and vitality, and a shorter lifespan.
  • The only way to prevent this is by having enough protein in your diet, and training for muscle growth.
  • Almost all of the workouts available today are still focused on cardiovascular exercise, which does not produce the muscle required for disease prevention, overall health and longevity.
  • Muscle is the best anti-aging treatment that a woman can invest in. With more muscle mass, you can look 30 years younger from behind. Muscle is also what makes us look good naked!

Here at Rodsquad, we’ve been training women to gain and retain muscle mass for over 20 years. As founder/ owner Rod Cortizo has been saying for the last two decades,
“Muscle is the organ of youth. It’s an indicator of longevity, and lack of muscle leads to every disease from cancer to heart disease.”

With the Rodsquad® Virtual Membership, you'll gain access to the same muscle-centric, strength building workouts we use in our fitness studios in Boca Raton, Florida.

These female-specific programs have been developed over the past two decades with your health, strength and longevity in mind. The dramatic change in your appearance is just the tip of the iceberg! 

Join Now

An increasing number of women are hearing from medical professionals that they need to prioritize muscle, but they don’t know where to begin. 

A lot of women report feeling uncomfortable and lost in the gym, especially in the “men’s section” where the free weights are.

Jumping on a piece of cardio equipment seems like the easiest solution, but if you want to look tight, toned and strong, more cardio will not give you the results you desire.

You need a proven strategy to follow and an experienced professional to guide you with the proper technique, so you don’t have to worry about getting hurt. 

That's where we come in!

The Rodsquad® Virtual Membership is a do-it-yourself program that you can perform independently at home, at your convenience.

We’ll teach you the proper form and technique to get the most out of every movement and ensure safety. With every exercise, we’ll explain exactly where you should be feeling the movement and how to customize the exercise to work around all of the most common prior injuries and discomforts. 

If you're BUSY, this program can completely transform your physique in just 3 hours a week. It's worked for thousands of women before you!

If you're inexperienced, we're going to teach you exactly what to do. 

If you feel unmotivated, our 1:1 coaching and accountability will be exactly what you need to get going.

Who is this for?

Our fitness programs are specifically designed to develop strength and the appearance of feminine, lean muscles for women of all ages.

Our programs are especially ideal for women over 40, because with aging, muscle becomes increasingly important, and our programs incorporate all low-impact exercise, with absolutely ZERO running, jumping, or jarring on the joints.

This is NOT really a weight loss program, but if you’ve recently lost weight or you’ve taken a weight loss medication, you NEED this to restore your metabolism, firm up loose skin and replenish lost muscle. 

If you'd like access to a clear, strategic program that will help you...

  • Look firm and toned
  • Repair and boost metabolism
  • Improve body composition
  • Build strength and longevity...

This is for you!



What You'll Get:

The same strength-building, muscle-centric workouts we use in our fitness studios in Boca Raton, FL. 

  • This program is 100% VIRTUAL. You can live anywhere in the world.
  • Download our favorite strength training workout plans in pdf format that you can access anytime, anywhere. These programs are yours to keep forever.

  • Every exercise comes with a full video tutorial of Rod demonstrating proper technique and form to maximize your results and minimize your chance of injury.

  • You'll gain instant access to the Rodsquad App, where you can check off your daily workouts, sync with your Fitbit or Apple Watch, and track your progress over time.
  • We're teaching you fitness for life! Your plan will include the exercise and nutrition you can realistically stick with for years to come, which means no more yo-yo'ing.


What results can you expect?

A funny thing happens when women start training with muscle in mind...

They find that they don’t wake up looking like Arnold Schwarzenager overnight, but in a couple of months, they DO wake up shapelier, leaner, more capable and confident…

People start saying, “wow, you look much younger!” 🙌🏻

And the doctor says “wow, your bloodwork looks better than ever.” 🙌🏻

Muscle is metabolism, and muscle is the physical location where fat gets burned…

So the more muscle you have, the easier it is to shed unwanted body fat and maintain the beautiful physique you desire for life. 👙

Are you ready for this?

The woman who will be most successful with this program is ready to stop making any excuses for her lack of progress and ready to take full responsibility for the results she gets (or doesn’t get) with her health and fitness. 

  • She’s ready to learn exactly what she needs to do, and willing to tune out the overwhelming amount of health misinformation floating around the web today.

  • She's ready to put in the work consistently and relentlessly until she’s achieved her desired end result.

  • She wants to build muscle and strength, and improve her overall health and body composition.

  • She's ready to commit to a realistic and sustainable fitness program that she can maintain for the rest of her life.

Meet Rod Cortizo

Rod founded Rodsquad back in 2004 and became famous for transforming even the most unlikely women from flabby physiques into tight, strong and toned. Over the past 20 years, he's practiced and developed proven nutrition and exercise strategies that get women the very best results, improve habits, repair metabolism, build muscle and transform appearance. This is your opportunity to access his proven programs and apply his 20 years of knowledge and experience in your own life.

Join Now

What customers are saying...

“I've tried a billion different programs... and nothing has ever worked.. until you guys came out with this program. My muffin top is shrinking, the scale has finally started moving. And my eating habits - I don't have to worry about what I'm eating or cutting out stuff. Thank you.”

Roni B.

“For anyone on the fence, I've done a couple mini programs with Rod and Kate and was really happy with my results. I know now that I do better with them supporting me along the way. They really are amazing.”

Diane Wiles

"For the first time in my adult life, I'm committed to working out. The program is doable but more importantly, Rod is a talented and caring trainer. It's exceptional personal training but with the camaraderie and support of a great group of women.”

Amy Meyers

“The Rodsquad is the most effective program out there. I went from a size 10 to a very fit size 0! I became confident, energetic, and best of all, happy! I’m so proud of my results!”

Marie, 30, mother of 2

"At 55 years old, I've lost 30 pounds and still going. Feeling more confident and energetic. Not afraid to wear short shorts. I'd tried everything before this. Thank God I finally found Rod!"

Larisa Palazzolo

"I tried personal trainers, Jenny Craig, aerobics, Zumba, everything! I even had liposuction, but the fat came back. And now I can’t believe the shape I’m in! I dropped 30 points off my cholesterol and I feel better and healthier than I’ve ever felt my whole life! My confidence and self-esteem have improved tremendously!"

Marie R., 34, mother of 2

"I had been wasting my time and money with a personal trainer 3 times a week for the last 2 years. I finally joined Rod's program and saw amazing results in a short time. I can't believe it worked so well for me!"

Eva, 46, mom of 3, including twins!

“I used to take three aerobics classes and run ten miles each week to get rid of stubborn fat in my midsection, I’d even trained for marathons but the fat just wasn’t going anywhere. Now I can happily say- No more running for me and the fat has vanished!!! I was able to make changes in my diet that will last forever.”

Kristen, 44, mother of 2

"I had already decided - if this didn't work, I was giving up. I went from a size 8 to a zero in eleven weeks! This is the first time I've been a zero in my life, not even before my 3 kids!”

Mari, 47, mother of 3

Join the Rodsquad® (Virtual) Membership


Rod has worked to develop and perfect these strength training programs for the past two decades. Years of blood, sweat and tears went into developing the perfect strategy to give you the biggest result in the least amount of time, incorporating mind-muscle connection, muscle hypertrophy theory, cardiovascular benefit and more.

These prized programs are worth many thousands of dollars, but we've made it affordable and easy for you to get started.

For a limited time, you will also receive 77 days (11 weeks) of 1:1 coaching, motivation, accountability and support from a Rodsquad staff member inside the Rodsquad App.

Your Investment:

Just 3 Installments of $277!

(Only $277 Today)

Click Here to Get Instant Access Now

Click Here to save $54 when you Pay In Full!

What even more customers are saying...

"I wanted to get in the best shape of my life for my wedding, so I signed up for Rodsquad. I went down three dress sizes and really toned up in just 6 weeks!! I feel stronger than ever."

Bella, 45

"After having 3 kids, I was overweight and uncomfortable. In my first 9 weeks with Rodsquad, I lost ten percent body fat and my overall weight stayed the same. That means I reached my goal of replacing body fat with muscle! Now that's a transformation!"

Christine, 30, mom of 3

"As a busy medical doctor and mom, I really don't have time to workout a lot or cook healthy meals. Rodsquad was still able to help me lose 12 pounds/ 5% body fat in the first 6 weeks."

Stacy, 53, mother of 2

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't listed below, send us an email at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help!

All of Your Health & Fitness Dreams Can Be Accomplished with the Rodsquad Virtual Membership!

Join Now

Have Questions?

Submit the form below and we'll get right back with you!

If you'd like to receive a phone call, please provide your phone number in the message section. ⬇